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Let's Talk About Jesus

Pastor Oral & Phyllis Theobalds



Pastor Oral Theobalds and Pastor Phyllis Theobalds are the Co-Founders of Let’s Talk About Jesus Ministries. 


Pastor Oral hails from St. Vincent in the West indies. In 1986, he came to New York with a zeal to better his life and a determination to serve God.


Pastor Phyllis hails from Trinidad in the West Indies and also set out from her native land to better her circumstance. She worked for many years at Long Island Jewish Hospital.


She began seeking the Lord. Very soon after, she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior. She then met and fell in love with a young man who, after visiting her pastor, also accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior and purposed then in his heart to never look back.


That young man was Brother Oral Theobalds and on March 24, 1990, they were married. 


When his father-in-law passed away, Brother Oral visited Trinidad for the first time. While there, one night they attended a Revival. The preacher prophesied in their lives that they will be preaching the Gospel. Eleven years later that very pastor came to New York and ordained them.


Brother Oral and Sister Phyllis became Pastor Oral and Pastor Phyllis Theobalds and founded Let's Talk About Jesus Ministries in 2006.


Pastor Oral Theobalds and Pastor Phyllis Theobalds

are the co-founders of

Let's Talk About Jesus Ministries.

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